Restaurant in Spoleto

Restaurant in Spoleto

The Summer is over and Autumn is here. Fall is the season of amazing seasonal food. October is the month of the grape harvest and November is the month of the new olive oil. This year is a very good year, the grapes are wonderful, and the olives didn’t suffer from...

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Spoleto pictures

Spoleto pictures

I have my family over for holiday (they are on holiday, not me ... ). What better town to show them in Umbria then Spoleto?      

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Santa Maria Assunta in Spoleto

Santa Maria Assunta in Spoleto

Santa Maria Assunta is the cathedral of Spoleto at the Piazza del Duomo. It is at the bottom of a long staircase in a very scenic position. The facade of the cathedral is decorated by the mosaic of Solsterno (1207) and eight rose windows. The bell tower dates back to...

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Autumn in Spoleto, Umbria

Autumn in Spoleto, Umbria

Yesterday we visited Borgo Spoleto in the south of Umbria. A recently restored Borgo at only 10 minutes from Spoleto. Each apartment has a garden or terrace with outstanding views. Umbria is not only beautiful in the Summer, also in Autumn the colors red, orange and...

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Spoleto Festival

Spoleto Festival

Thanks to the project Io e Te Gourmet I went together with friends to the Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi edition 57. Three years ago, in 2011, I went to a dance performance of the Corella ballet in the Roman theatre in Spoleto. Such a beautiful experience! Since I now...

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press conference in Terni

press conference in Terni

For the project Io e Te Gourmet I participated at the press conference in Terni last week. I left early from home, Castiglione del Lago, just to be sure to be there by 11.00 am at the Chamber of Commerce in Terni. Arriving in the city center of Terni I was a little...

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Handmade ceramics in Spoleto

Handmade ceramics in Spoleto

Giuseppe Di Salvio is a good friend of mine. I have met him 4 years ago when I started working in the Spoleto area. Originally he comes from Vietri sul Mare, a small village nearby Naples. Giuseppe is an artist. He has a passion for pottery and ceramics. Since 4 years...

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Walk to the top of Monteluco, Spoleto

Walk to the top of Monteluco, Spoleto

Visit Spoleto Years ago, in 2008,  when I (Sylvia) backpacked through Italy, I stayed a couple of days on a camping in Spoleto, Umbria. Close to the San Pietro church, just outside the city center. I did not only come to visit Spoleto, but also to walk up the...

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visit Spoleto

visit Spoleto

Yesterday was a sunny day. Together we went to the Spoleto area to visit villas and apartments. Spoleto is a beautiful hilltown in southern Umbria. Above the city is the medieval Rocca and Spoleto's most famous sight is Ponte delle Torri. Very beautiful and impressive...

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