Autumn in Spoleto, Umbria

Autumn in Spoleto, Umbria

Yesterday we visited Borgo Spoleto in the south of Umbria. A recently restored Borgo at only 10 minutes from Spoleto. Each apartment has a garden or terrace with outstanding views. Umbria is not only beautiful in the Summer, also in Autumn the colors red, orange and...

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Running for love in Terni Umbria

Running for love in Terni Umbria

Last week was the half marathon (21,0975) and marathon (42,195 km) of Terni, Umbria: Maratona di San Valentino, a wonderful annual event, always around Valentine's day. St. Valentine, who inspired the creation of Valentines Day, is the patron saint of Terni, Umbria....

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Valentine’s Day in Terni, Umbria

Valentine’s Day in Terni, Umbria

Saint Valentine Few people know that Saint Valentine, the patron saint of love and celebrated worldwide on February 14, also the patron saint of Terni in Umbria is. History Saint Valentine was born in the late 2nd century. He had the ability to heal people. Therefore...

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Terni Marathon di San Valentino

This Sunday I paticipated in the San Valentino marathon in Terni. It was my first marathon and I did not prepare as well as I should have, but I finished. Very happy I did! The marathon and the half-marathon started together, in Ferentillo. With buses we were...

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